What We Do

At Beautiful Peace, our goal is to offer services to the communities that we serve that are most relevant or needed. To this end, we desire to know the communities we serve so that we can truly meet their needs.

difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
Psychological and Trauma Education

Offering psychological education support for trauma and common issues to enhance mental well-being and promote peace in communities across the Middle East.

peace sign
peace sign
Deaf Education

Providing educational services for those without language or with limited language as a result of being deaf. Working with partners throughout the region to provide sign language skills in native languages for each region.

a group of people standing in front of a building
a group of people standing in front of a building
Autism Education

Delivering specialized autism services to support individuals and their families, ensuring inclusivity and understanding in society.

man in black long sleeve shirt sitting at the table
man in black long sleeve shirt sitting at the table

Using English education as a platform to bring deeper and richer study skills that will help in all aspects of educational services. Better skills equals more knowledge, which in turn leads to better opportunities for long-last peace.

English Education and Study Skills