Dreams Become Realities for Peace

At Beautiful Peace, our goal is to offer services to the communities that we serve that are most relevant or needed. To this end, we desire to know the communities we serve so that we can truly meet their needs.

white love neon light signage
white love neon light signage
Building Up Families

The family is crucial to healthy development and the ability to grow in healthy psychological and spiritual ways. Working to enhance knowledge and expand healthy family dynamics helps the whole family to thrive, which, in turn, helps the community as a whole to achieve its full potential.

Strong Families Lasting Peace

brown wooden blocks on white table
brown wooden blocks on white table
Teaching Healthy Lifestyle Choices
person wearing black watch holding babys hand
person wearing black watch holding babys hand
Providing Sustained Hope

Sustained hope is something that all people desire. Through genuinely and lovingly serving the needs of the community, we are able to display a Hope that is available to all. The approaches used are all steeped in Truth and are the foundation for people to make strong and well-informed choices in their daily lives.

Peace Through True Hope.

two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving

Life is a series of choices. Some choices lead to better outcomes than others. By teaching people of all ages about healthy ways to approach life, they are able to increase the number of positive choices and minimize negative choices. This impacts the individual, the family, and the community by creating opportunity where none previously existed because of absent or insufficient available choices.

Choices To Lead to Peace

Serving the Underserved
green trees near body of water during daytime
green trees near body of water during daytime
Inspiring Dreams

In the Middle East, the opportunity to help people dream about their future has a lasting impact on what they are able to achieve. The consequences of insecurity has stolen the ability to dream from many in this region. By providing a safe place to learn and grow, we are able to inspire dreams that can then grow into realities.

Dreams Become Realities for Peace

In many communities, there are groups of people who have no place to turn for the support they need to achieve fullness of life. After identifying the specific needs of the community, we develop and bring services to meet these needs to provide release and opportunity to excel for these underserve people. Whether it is services for the deaf, those who are on the autistic spectrum, or those who struggle with substances, we adapt to meet those needs to allow True Peace to enter these who are loved.

Peace Through Overcoming

books over green trolley bin
books over green trolley bin
Quality Education

Quality education is the foundation for a life that has opportunity to achieve all that it can be. Through providing a strong foundation in language, interpersonal, and business skills, people are prepared to achieve all that they are meant to.

Customized Education to Drive Peace